Can cycling lose weight? Answer 6 riding questions you are most concerned about

Can cycling lose weight? Answer 6 riding questions you are most concerned about

2022-08-02 05:20

Cycling is actually a sport suitable for all people, with a low threshold, and can be started anytime, anywhere. So, what should we pay attention to if we want to achieve the effect of exercise by cycling? We have sorted out six small riding problems that we are most concerned about. Come and have a look--

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Q1 what are the benefits of cycling for your body?

Cycling is a very good aerobic exercise, which can strengthen the body and improve our cardiopulmonary function. According to a 20-year research survey, the heart attack rate of long-term regular cyclists has been reduced by 11% to 18%.


In addition, cycling can exercise the muscle strength and flexibility of lower limbs; Compared with running, climbing stairs, basketball, etc., it has less wear on the knee. At the same time, outdoor riding is pleasant, which can relieve mental pressure and regain a good mood.


Q2 Can cycling lose weight?


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The single cycling time is 30-40 minutes, and the heart rate reaches 100-110 beats / minute. The exercise intensity is medium. When the duration is more than 30 minutes, the fat begins to decompose and provide energy for exercise. In the same way as jogging to lose weight, if you can keep it more than three times a week and stick to it for a long time, you will see the effect of losing weight.


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Q3 correct posture for riding?

Correct riding posture can reduce the risk of knee injury, save more effort and effectively stretch hip and leg muscles.


Before riding, check the seat height: when pedaling to the lowest place, the knee joint will not be completely straight; When pedaling to the highest place, the knee joint flexion is not less than 90 degrees, and the standard seat is the appropriate height.


When cycling, keep the correct posture: lean forward slightly, bend your arms slightly, and relax your shoulders naturally. Don't shrug. Shrugging will make your shoulders and neck tight; The knee joint and sole of the foot are vertically forward. If the knee joint is outward or inward, the force on the knee joint will be unbalanced, causing cartilage wear.


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Q4 Can cycling also strengthen muscles?

If you want to strengthen the muscles of lower limbs, you can choose the intermittent cycling method with high intensity and short time.

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First, warm up the bike slowly for 5 minutes, then ride the bike at high speed for 5 minutes as much as possible, and the heart rate reaches 170-180 times / minute, and then gradually slow down the bike for 5-10 minutes, so that the heart rate recovers to less than 100 times / minute.


As a group, do several groups in succession, and arrange 3-5 minutes of rest between groups.


This intermittent cycling method has a strong stimulation to the muscles of the lower limbs.


Q5 cycling to and from work, can you achieve the effect of exercise?

Proper speed and duration can achieve the effect of exercise.

According to an overseas survey of commuters over the age of 40, commuting by bike and on foot has the best effect on weight loss, followed by taking a bus or train, which also helps to lose weight, and the worst is driving to and from work all the way. Therefore, cycling instead of driving, bus and subway is a way of daily exercise.

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According to experts' suggestions, moderate intensity exercise should reach 150 minutes a week. Generally, men can reach the standard of moderate intensity aerobic exercise when their cycling speed reaches 15-18 km / h and women reach 13-15 km / h; The duration of cycling is between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. In this way, the daily exercise of the general population can be completed.


Q6 riding safety matters

before long-distance riding, do a simple warm-up to get your body in shape and reduce sports injury;

don't wear headphones to listen to music or play with mobile phones when cycling;

do not ride on the motorway;

slow down in advance in curves;

keep away from your predecessors when going downhill.

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