What are the benefits of cycling fitness??

What are the benefits of cycling fitness??

2023-03-14 05:20

Cycling is a good choice if you want a gentle exercise style for your back, hips, knees and ankles.


You can ride on the highway, bicycle lane or mountain road. In the room, you can exercise on a fixed bicycle, or buy a bracket for an outdoor bicycle.

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Beginners can choose a flat bicycle lane or road. If you are ready for a more strenuous exercise while exercising your upper body and core strength, you can try mountain biking and ride on trails and rough terrain.

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It is difficult to ride mountain bike because you have to ride on hills and ground, so your upper body and core muscles will start. Compared with cycling on the road (cycling on the road is mainly an aerobic exercise for the lower body), it is more like a full body exercise.

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Plan to ride a bike for 30~60 minutes, 3~5 days a week. Every time you ride, start with warm-up. Step on your foot at a slow and easy speed for 5-10 minutes. Then increase your speed, so you start to sweat. If you are riding a fixed bicycle, you can speed up by changing the setting. At the end of preparation, take 5 more minutes to relax by cycling at a slower speed.

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Strength grade: high

Cycling makes your heart rate almost as fast as running and consumes a lot of calories. Cycling will not bring too much pressure to joints. If you are losing weight or have joint problems, it will help you.

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Target areas

Core muscles: Yes, cycling will make your core muscles stronger.

Arm: No. This exercise is not specific to the arm.

Legs: Yes. It can exercise leg muscles, especially quadriceps femoris and posterior femoris.

Hip muscles: Yes. Riding a bicycle will give the gluteus maximus and buttocks good exercise.

Back: No. This exercise is not specific to the back. If you want to increase upper body exercise, try mountain biking. When you ride up or down the mountain, you will exercise your back muscles.

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Flexibility: No. This kind of exercise pays no attention to flexibility.

Aerobic: Yes. Cycling is a powerful aerobic exercise.

Power: Yes. Cycling can strengthen the muscles of the lower body.

Low load: Yes. It will not bring pressure to joints.

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